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Saturday, August 16, 2008

half an orb is all she needs
light brown eyes dart as 
half an orb streaks through the air
toss it hard
run to get it before
half an orb 
lies flatly there

half an orb could make
the lonely day 
push though with fireworks
of joy

so go ahead beautiful
take your 
half an orb
give a little piece of it
to everyone

start here

this is just where I lay my head 
perhaps float 
among the dog fur covered dust bunnies
gliding along a wind swept floor

that monumentally small fracture which is the space between brilliance and
where self criticism punches the lights out of comfort then turns to laugh at 
the drunken brashness of daring 
linger there

simper with a half empty glass of grammar
all those night hidden in language
doesn't broaden the lyrical tap-dance
dampens the will to parlay again

ah sweet vanity
edit me before the frustration 
is communicated
before me is i
chop my fingers before
i flail wildly tapping
used up ideas

which is the hat to wear

bear witness to this pitiful display
of pleading
shut misty eyes to the blank page
this could be just another ordinary 
attempt at humility

glad to clear that up.